SDG | Topic | GRI Indicator |
End poverty in all its forms everywhere. | Access to financial services | FS14 |
Taxation | 207-1 207-2 207-3 207-4 | |
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. | Air quality | 305-1 305-2 305-3 |
Waste management | 306-1 306-2 306-3 306-4 306-5 | |
Occupational health and safety | 403-2 403-3 403-6 403-9 | |
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. | Employee training and education | 404-1 |
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. | Gender equality in governance bodies | 102-22 102-24 |
Infrastructure investment | 203-1 | |
Gender equality in employee training | 401-2 404-1 404-3 | |
Gender equality | 405-1 | |
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. | Sustainable water withdrawals | 303-1 303-2 303-3 |
Waste management | 306-1 306-2 306-3 306-5 | |
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. | Energy efficiency | 302-1 302-2 |
Renewable energy | 302-1 302-2 | |
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. | Access to financial services | FS14 |
Information on employees | 102-8 | |
National bargaining agreements | 102-41 | |
Infrastructure investment | 201-1 | |
Materials efficiency | 301-1 | |
Energy efficiency | 302-1 302-2 | |
Earnings, wages and benefits | 401-2 | |
Labour/Management Relations | 402-1 | |
Occupational health and safety | 403-1 403-2 403-3 403-4 403-5 403-7 403-8 403-9 | |
Employee training and education | 404-1 404-3 | |
Diversity and equal opportunity | 405-1 | |
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. | Infrastructure investment | 201-1 203-1 |
Reduce inequalities within and among countries. | ||
Information on employees | 102-8 | |
Taxation | 207-1 207-2 207-3 207-4 | |
Equal employee training | 404-1 404-3 | |
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. | Infrastructure investment | 203-1 |
Waste management | 306-1 306-2 306-3 306-4 306-5 | |
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. | Materials efficiency/recycling | 301-1 |
Energy efficiency | 302-1 302-2 | |
Water withdrawals by source | 303-1 303-3 | |
Air quality | 305-1 305-2 305-3 | |
Waste management | 306-1 306-2 306-3 306-4 306-5 | |
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. | Energy efficiency | 302-1 302-2 |
GHG emissions | 305-1 305-2 305-3 305-4 | |
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources. | Ocean acidification | 305-1 305-2 305-3 305-4 |
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. | Forest degradation | 305-1 305-2 305-3 305-4 |
Waste management | 306-3 306-5 | |
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. | Ethics and Integrity | 102-16 102-24 |
Gender equality in governance bodies | 102-21 102-22 102-23 102-24 102-25 102-26 | |
Anti-corruption | 205-1 205-3 | |
Occupational health and safety | 403-4 403-9 | |
Public Policy | 415-1 | |
Protection of privacy | 418-1 | |
Strengthening implementation methods and relaunching global partnership for sustainable development. | Taxation | 207-1 207-2 207-3 207-4 |