Through its leadership in the logistics, financial, insurance and payment services sectors, Poste Italiane plays a key role in the creation of economic value both for the stakeholders directly impacted by its business activities and for the Country as a whole.
In particular, the activities carried out by Poste Italiane generate impacts on GDP, employment income, employment and contributions to PA. Impacts can be distinguished into:
- Direct impacts: impacts generated by the operating activities carried out directly by Poste Italiane;
- Indirect impacts: impacts generated along the supply chain as a result of Poste Italiane’s spending on goods and services (€ 3.4 billion in 2021, +14% compared to 2020) from Italian suppliers;
- Induced impacts: impacts generated by consumer spending that is realised through the income earned by workers employed directly and indirectly by the Group.
The process of creating Poste Italiane’s economic value
In 2021, the Poste Italiane Group generated impacts on the country in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) totalling € 12.5 billion, as well as supporting around a total 183 thousand jobs and contributing to Public Administration revenues with around € 2 billion in terms of tax revenue. In addition, it is possible to estimate that Poste Italiane has directly and indirectly contributed to the distribution of income to workers for a total of € 7.3 billion.
The creation of value by Poste Italiane is based on the contribution that the Group’s individuals make through their work and daily commitment. In 2021, each individual at Poste Italiane contributed to the creation of economic impacts for the territory equal to € 105 thousand of GDP, € 62 thousand of income for households, € 17 thousand of tax contributions and the employment of 1.5 people.
Poste Italiane’s commitment to the Country System is not limited to 2021, but is part of an annual value creation process. In the last three years, the Poste Italiane Group generated total impacts on the country for € 37.3 billion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), € 22.2 billion in employment income and € 6.2 billion in tax revenue. Furthermore, the Group contributed on average to the creation of 187 thousand jobs in the 2019-2021 three-year period.
Impacts generated in individual Territorial Areas
Considering the region of the registered office of suppliers, the indirect impacts generated by them in each Territorial Area in 2021 have been identified.
Impacts of Italian SME suppliers
Considering the parameters defined by the European Commission, the Italian suppliers that are characterised as SMEs and the indirect impacts related to them have been identified.
The economic value generated and distributed by THE Poste Italiane Group
The economic value created in 2021 amounts to over € 11.6 billion, of which around 85% distributed to stakeholders.